Api Management Authorizations
Api Management released a new feature earlier this year called Auhtorizations it’s still in preview. In this post we will go through what it is and show why you should start using it!
In API Management we want to be able to connect to many systems in order to provide a good api for our consumers. These systems often have different ways of authentication, the ones that are protected by Oauth2 have now gotten a much better experince, read details on Authorizations overview.
The most important part is that it simplifies the policy tremendously.
How does it work
The Api Management team have built standard code for managing authroization and state for us, which removes a lot of customization previously needed and makes it easier to separate code from authorization, reuse and manage.
This image below is taken from the Authorizations Overview and in a very good way describes how it works. Simply described the Authorization resource is hanling all the complexity to create a token, cache the token and before a new call validate if the token still is valid.
Here is a great guide to get started.
Sample of change
Let’s take one of our implementations to Dynamics 365 FNO as a sample. This is how the policy looked like before:
<base />
<cache-lookup-value key="@("bearerToken")" variable-name="bearerToken" />
<when condition="@(!context.Variables.ContainsKey("bearerToken"))">
<send-request ignore-error="true" timeout="20" response-variable-name="accessTokenResult" mode="new">
<set-header name="Content-Type" exists-action="override">
var uriStr = context.Api.ServiceUrl.ToString();
return "client_id={{Secret-ClientId}}&resource="+uriStr.Remove(uriStr.Length - 1)+"&client_secret={{Secret-ClientSecret}}&grant_type=client_credentials";
<set-variable name="accessToken" value="@(((IResponse)context.Variables["accessTokenResult"]).Body.As<JObject>())" />
<set-variable name="bearerToken" value="@((string)((JObject)context.Variables["accessToken"])["access_token"])" />
<set-variable name="tokenDurationSeconds" value="@((int)((JObject)context.Variables["accessToken"])["expires_in"])" />
<cache-store-value key="bearerToken" value="@((string)context.Variables["bearerToken"])" duration="@((int)context.Variables["tokenDurationSeconds"])" />
<set-header name="Authorization" exists-action="override">
<value>@("Bearer " + (string)context.Variables["bearerToken"])</value>
<rewrite-uri template="/service/route" copy-unmatched-params="true" />
<base />
<base />
<base />
And here is after:
<base />
<get-authorization-context provider-id="d365-dev" authorization-id="d365-dev-2" context-variable-name="auth-context" identity-type="managed" ignore-error="false" />
<set-header name="Authorization" exists-action="override">
<value>@("Bearer " + ((Authorization)context.Variables.GetValueOrDefault("auth-context"))?.AccessToken)</value>
<rewrite-uri template="/service/route" copy-unmatched-params="true" />
<base />
<base />
<base />
As you can see the policy is much easier to understand and work with. We get dedicated resources in API Management to work with and that also makes the deployment much better and easier. The authorization handles the renew and caching of the token that we previously needed to manage ourselves.
My primary wish for improvements so far is that Key Vault will be integrated into the process. Since it not at the moment it becomes a bit annoying when i.e. working with grant type Client credentials since we don’t want these credentials stored and managed manually in multiple places.
Why use it
A first class resource manageing the token state to your provider, simplifying the process and makes our policies more readable. Also it prevent’s a few basic errors that we often encounter the first times setting things up.
But the biggest part is that we now can separate the policy from the authorization, wich make using Authorizations a great separation of concern setup.
As described above the Authorization is a great addition to API Management. Helping us keep authroization to backend services separated from policies so the policy are kept slimmer and authorization are managed by itself. Improves maintainabillity both on updates on the authorization and also by keeping our policies slimmer and easier to read.